More people are using the acronym “Be Fast” to recognize, and understand what to do about the signs of the fifth leading cause of death in the United States, Stroke. Once you suspect the person is having a stroke, Call 911 immediately. The sooner medical help is on the way, and treatment initiated, the greater the likelihood of survival. Minutes count!

BE FAST means Balance, Eyes, Face, Arms, Speech, Time.
Does the person have loss of balance? Difficulty with gait?
Stroke patients can have changes in their vision. Has the person suddenly experience loss of vision in one or both eyes. Does the person complain of blurred, or double vision?
Face Drooping
Ask the person to smile. Is one side of the face drooping? Is it numb? Is it twisting?
Arm Weakness
Does the person havearm weakness? Ask the person to raise both arms. Is one arm capable of doing it, but the other isn’t, or does it slowly move downward?
Speech Difficulty
People suffering from strokes often havetrouble speaking. Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence, for example, “The rose is red.” Can he speak? Is his speech slurred, or difficult to understand?
Time to Call 911
Call 911 if the person has any of the above signs, and get him to the hospital immediately.
When you act quickly during a stroke, you can savea life. “BEFAST” is a tactic that may help you do just that.
- American Stroke Association and F A S T
- NIH; Stroke: Signs, Causes, and Treatment; February 9, 2023
This article is intended solely as a learning experience. Please consult your physician for diagnostic and treatment options.