Doctor Column

Sore Throat: “When Should You See the Doctor?” March 25, 2020 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Sore throats are most commonly caused by viruses. However, about one third of the time they’re due to bacteria, especially Group A Streptococcus. Group A streptococci are found in the nose and throat and easily spread from person to person by coughing, sneezing or touching something with infected droplets on it. Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM) ‘Polio-like Paralysis’ — “I hope it’s just a cold!” November 5, 2018 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Jeremy, a four year old boy, had a good time playing in the park with his friends that sunny September day. A short time later, he came down with the common cold and, for a few days, had a runny nose and a slight cough. Non-Pulmonary Chronic Cough: A Dangerous ‘Impostor’ September 26, 2017 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Chronic cough is a common and puzzling symptom. It hides behind many masks, some more deadly than others. Patients have bounced from one specialist to another in an unsuccessful and costly attempt to get an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. Five different coughs and what they mean February 8, 2016 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD A cough is a protective reflex that works to clear mucus and foreign matter from the back of the throat, the voice box, windpipe and lungs. Although the cough reflex is there to help us — and often the cough is benign — the sound of a cough can be frightening and for good reason. “Cough” — when should You worry? January 31, 2016 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Most coughs are minor and do not need the assistance of a physician. However, any cough with blood is a red flag. Consider Bob, a 47 y/o bus driver who has been a smoker since he was a teenager. Ten Home Remedies for Cough January 24, 2016 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Some home remedies have proven to be less costly and work better than medications for that nagging cough. A cough that lingers is an annoyance to you and can be to those around you — “Why doesn’t he do something about that cough?” Cough in Children December 30, 2015 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Whether it’s 2’o’clock in the afternoon or 2 in the morning, parents will worry, “Why is my child coughing?” Can I ignore the cough? Does he need medication? Is it necessary for my child to be examined by a doctor?