Doctor Column

“VOICEPRINTS” — YOUR UNIQUE VOICE March 7, 2016 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD In a few seconds, with remarkable confidence, one can tell the sex of a person speaking on the telephone or radio. We can recognize almost immediately the voice of our favorite artist who is singing our favorite song. And in the middle of the night, a mother can tell which child is crying. What’s going on? INFLUENZA — ‘MORE THAN A COLD’ February 21, 2016 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Most people would agree that the flu is more troublesome than a cold. Influenza (flu) is a contagious viral infection that targets your nose, throat, larynx and lungs. Flu virus droplets spread through the air when people sneeze, talk or cough. You can also contract the virus by touching a surface with the virus and then touching your nose or mouth. THE PROS AND CONS OF THE ‘NETI POT’ — IS WASHING YOUR SINUSES SAFE? February 15, 2016 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD In 2011, two Louisiana residents died after using a neti pot and tap water. Their deaths were caused by the “brain eating” amoeba N. fowleri. Once the amoeba enters the nose, it travels to the brain and this bacterial infection is almost always fatal. These residents had symptoms similar to meningitis but within a week both were dead. Five different coughs and what they mean February 8, 2016 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD A cough is a protective reflex that works to clear mucus and foreign matter from the back of the throat, the voice box, windpipe and lungs. Although the cough reflex is there to help us — and often the cough is benign — the sound of a cough can be frightening and for good reason. “Cough” — when should You worry? January 31, 2016 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Most coughs are minor and do not need the assistance of a physician. However, any cough with blood is a red flag. Consider Bob, a 47 y/o bus driver who has been a smoker since he was a teenager. Ten Home Remedies for Cough January 24, 2016 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Some home remedies have proven to be less costly and work better than medications for that nagging cough. A cough that lingers is an annoyance to you and can be to those around you — “Why doesn’t he do something about that cough?” Cough in Children December 30, 2015 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Whether it’s 2’o’clock in the afternoon or 2 in the morning, parents will worry, “Why is my child coughing?” Can I ignore the cough? Does he need medication? Is it necessary for my child to be examined by a doctor? ‘COUGHING’ — IN ADULTS December 12, 2015 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD In the year 2010, there were one billion physician office visits in the United States. The most common reason for visiting the doctor was not headache, arthritis or diabetes. It wasn’t hypertension, sinusitis or the flu. It was “coughing.” The Cough Reflex — “Gatekeeper” of the lungs December 6, 2015 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Coughing is a common, somewhat perplexing complaint with a variety of causes. It’s a symptom — not a disease. Coughing can be a reaction to “cold air” or it can make the clinician suspicious of cancer. It can appear to be the only presenting symptom or in association with illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis. Hearing Loss and Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) November 21, 2015 Joseph R. Anticaglia, MD Have you ever notice people in the theater or in some other venue lining up to rent a listening device to improve their hearing? Some are wearing hearing aids, others are not. What are these listening devices? Why do people with hearing aids need them?