Doctor Column

An option to anticoagulation in higher risk Patients with Atrial Fibrillation — watchman rising August 3, 2016 Christian Perzanowski, MD, FACC, FHRS Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia worldwide. It is widely regarded as an important cause of embolic stroke, that is brain infarction (damage) resulting from thrombotic (clots) s howering the bloodstream as they break off from the heart. Another change in target blood pressure: results from the SPRINT trial December 26, 2015 Christian Perzanowski, MD, FACC, FHRS Hypertension is known to be an important risk factor for cardiac events and stroke. Identification of the ideal target has fluctuated over the years. Overzealous control of blood pressure may itself lead itself to stroke and syncope (fainting) presumably due to hypoperfusion. Helpful physicians may be key to successful weight loss August 16, 2015 Christian Perzanowski, MD, FACC, FHRS When participating in weight-loss programs, a helpful physician can improve the chances of success for people with obesity, according to the findings of researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore, MD. “Thinning” the Blood to Prevent a Stroke from Atrial Fibrillation Part I August 16, 2015 Christian Perzanowski, MD, FACC, FHRS Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a significant cause of stroke. The lack of contractility from the upper chambers of the heart (atria) lead to pooling of the blood with resultant “clot” (thrombus) formation. Should even small elements of these clots disperse, and embolize to the brain: the result is a stroke. The Risk of Stroke with Atrial Fibrillation I May 18, 2015 Christian Perzanowski, MD, FACC, FHRS Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is the most frequently encountered cardiac arrhythmia. The degree of patient awareness varies widely, from highly symptomatic patients experiencing chest pressure, shortness of breath, dizziness to those who are completely oblivious. An Update on New Blood Pressure Targets March 23, 2015 Christian Perzanowski, MD, FACC, FHRS For years physicians have struggled to identify the optimal blood pressure for a given patient population. The group of experts collectively known as the JNC (Joint National Commission) has been historically tasked to address the use of antihypertensive agents. Telemedicine: A “Win-Win” game. Medicine without borders and doctors without waiting room November 11, 2014 Christian Perzanowski, MD, FACC, FHRS A 53 year old woman was examined by a Cardiologist and diagnosed as having atrial fibrillation (irregular heart rhythm). The episodes increased in frequency and duration causing shortness of breath, fatigue, and at times lightheadedness and dizziness. She eventually had a small (the size of a finger nail) cardiac loop recorder implanted just under the skin into the left side her chest. Atrial Fibrillation: signs and symptoms you must know November 10, 2014 Christian Perzanowski, MD, FACC, FHRS Palpitations, and elevated heart rate are symptoms that nearly everyone experiences at some point in their life. Most often, “skipped beats” or the perceived irregularity in cardiac rhythm is benign and may be the result of stress, poor sleep patterns or even increased consumption of dietary stimulatants (e.g. Caffeinated beverages, alcohol even in modest amounts).